Day Trading Statistics for (NT$,share)
Date Day Trading
Day Trading
of the market (%)
Day Trading Value
of Buys
Day Trading Value
of Buy
of the market (%)
Day Trading Value
of Sells
Day Trading Value
of Sells
of the market(%)
  1. Day Trading Volume of the market % = Day Trading Volume/ Total Market Volume*100
  2. Day Trading Value of Buys (Sells) Value of the market= Day Trading Value of Buys (Sells) / (Total Market Value of Buys + Sells) รท 2* 100
  3. Total market Volume (Value) includes the volumes (values) from general trading session, off-hour trading, and odd-lot trading sessions.
Day Trading Volume and Value on (NT$,share)
Day Trading Volume Day Trading Value
of Buys
Day Trading Value
of Sells
  1. The figures for day trading volumes and values are provided by securities firms. GTSM announce the statistics at the end of the trading day after all operational processes have been completed by securities firms. The exact time to post market statistics varies with operational and transfer procedures among firms, the amount of day trading volume and value, the length of time required for adjusting figures, duration of operations.
  2. As securities firms still process data during T day to T+2 day, GTSM updates the columns for Day Trading Volume and Day Trading Value of Buys ( Sells) on T, T +1 and T +2 day, after securities firms have completed all operating procedures and transferred final correct amounts. Accurate statistics data will be provided on T+2 day, data on T, T+1 day is reference material.
  3. Which security is suspended from day trading list, GTSM discontinues revealing related market statistics of the suspended security. Market statistics will be reported once the suspended security is requalified for day trading.