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E.SUN COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD. issues the Sustainability Bonds


E.SUN COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD. has issued total amount TWD 1.6 billion sustainability bonds and listed on the Taipei Exchange from October 28, 2021. After the issuance of four green bonds, E.SUN BANK issues its first sustainability bond to implement its attention and care to environmental friendliness and social responsibility.

According to the Taipei Exchange, the sustainability bond with 2 tranches - Tranche A and Tranche B, issue amounts are TWD 1.1 billion and 0.5 billion, with maturities of 3 and 7 years and coupon rate fixed at 0.37% and 0.47%, and issuer rating is twAA+. The framework of the sustainability bond was verified by an external reviewer- Deloitte & Touche. The funds raised from the sustainability bonds will be used exclusively to green and social projects in the form of loans. The green project includes development of renewable energy and energy technology. The social project may include: access to healthcare services, affordable housing, reconstruction of urban unsafe and old buildings, and employment generation programs.

As stated by the Taipei Exchange, since the listing and trading mechanism for the sustainability bonds launched in October 2020, the total amount of issuance has been reached NTD 56 billion, and the issuers include CTBC Bank, Bank SinoPac, Far Eastern New Century Corporation, Taipei Fubon Bank, Republic of Chile, Taiwan Cooperative Bank, Goldman Sachs Finance Corp International Ltd, Land Bank of Taiwan, Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation and E.SUN BANK. Taipei Exchange continues to be devoted to providing enterprises with access to financing for their sustainable development and transformation, as well as offering more diversified investment options to domestic and foreign investors. For more information on sustainable bonds, please refer to the "Sustainable Bonds" section of the Taipei Exchange website (