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TPEx jointly held the 2023 Securities Investment Camp Awards Ceremony and joined WFE Financial Literacy Campaign to support World Investor Week


Financial literacy has become a core skill, essential for everyone in modern society. Improving financial literacy and having risk awareness are indispensable. The Taipei Exchange (TPEx) aims to equip young adults who are in the early stages of their exposure to securities trading with a better understanding of investment and to provide them with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of the capital market.

Every year since 2008, TPEx has been hosting the “Securities Investment Camp” for domestic college students. Thousands of potential investors and future securities professionals have taken part in. The ongoing success of the “Securities Investment Camp”, even as it has evolved into an virtual course and video contest, demonstrates TPEx's firm commitment to financial literacy at higher educational institutions. TPEx is joining the WFE members’ “Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy Campaign” for the fifth year, and this year held a pladcard campaign for Financial Literacy in order to support World Investor Week.