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Taipei Exchange


Market Announcement

From 2020/05/29, investors trading TSC Main Board Stock (stock code: 3115) should be collected the buy-side price or sell-side securities for trading orders, and the securities will be matched every 20 minutes.

Date: 2020/05/28

TSC Main Board Stock (stock code: 3115) has been announced by TPEx its attention information, hereof the securities have been subject to a dispositive measure in the most recent 30 business day period, for a period of 3 consecutive business days. In 10 business days starting 2020/05/29 (2020/05/29 to 2020/06/11, which would be extended accordingly if the market is closed, or the securities are subject to suspension of trading or halt of trading on any of the days) TPEx will conduct trade matching for the securities with manually controlled trade matching terminals (matching approximately every 20 minutes). Securities brokers shall collect in full from the investor the buy-side price or sell-side securities for consigned orders already placed by the investor that day. Provided that this shall not apply at the time of brokered purchases or sales through special accounts set up for the handling of defaults.

(The Chinese version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions.)