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Taipei Exchange


Market Announcement

BNP PARIBAS Issue of USD 235,000,000 Callable Zero Coupon Senior Non Preferred Notes due 1 June 2050 will be listed on the TPEx from 1 June 2020.

Date: 2020/05/29

2.Notes offered: BNP PARIBAS Issue of USD 235,000,000 Callable Zero Coupon Senior Non Preferred Notes due 1 June 2050
(1)Code: F00917
(2)Short name: P20BNP3
(3)Currency and issue amount: USD 235,000,000
(4)Issue price: 100%
(5)Issue date: 1 June 2020
(6)Maturity date: 1 June 2050
(7)Tenor: 30 years
(8)Coupon type: Callable Zero Coupon Senior Non Preferred Notes
(9)Subject to selling restrictions: Yes
3.For more details, please refer to the full terms and conditions of the Notes as can be found on the website of Market Observation Post System (