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Taipei Exchange


Market Announcement

VIS 1st Unsecured Corporate Bond in 2024 will be listed on the TPEx from March 06, 2024.

Date: 2024/03/05

1. Issuer: Vanguard International Semiconductor Co.
2. Bond Name: VIS 1st Unsecured Corporate Bond in 2024
(1) Code: B60912
(2) Issue amount: TWD 3 Billion
(3) Issue price: 100%
(4) Issue date: March 06, 2024
(5) Maturity date: March 06, 2031
(6) Tenor: 7 Years
(7) Coupon rate: 1.82%
(8) The bond is subject to selling restrictions.
3. For the full terms and conditions of the bonds, please refer to the legal documentation as can be found on the website of Market Observation Post System (