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ESM Companies

For foreign Emerging Stock Board enterprises, ”*- country of incorporation” indicates stocks without par value or with par value other than NT$10, and ”- country of incorporation” indicates stocks with par value of NT$10 per share.
4132 GBC
Basic information
Chairman President Spokesperson Telephone Address ESM Registration Date
SHENG-YUNG LIU CHOY BOON KEAN Eric Lin (02)2808-6006 15F., NO.27-6, Sec.2, Zhung Zheng E. Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City.New Taipei, Taiwan 2010/05/26
Key businesses
Biotechnology and Medical Care Golden Biotechnology Corporation (GBC) was established in September 2002. It is an innovative drug discovery and herbal supplement company dedicated to enhances lives by developing high quality products that prevent and treat diseases. GBC had been approved and categorized as biotech-new drug company and eligible for the incentive program under “Biotech new drug industry development Regulation”. We focus on new drug R&D, IP right, pharmacology, toxicology and clinical studies. Based on our extensive experience with Chinese herbal medicine and our own core chemical database, new chemical entities (NCEs) have emerged during prior drug discovery. Now, we Continuous exploration in biomedical and nutraceutical fields. In addition, enable people to enjoy the benefit of innovative biotechnology. Then, provide the better living and quality of life, to be our ultimately visions.
Market info
Latest trading info Historic trading info
Financial data
Cash flows statement Item
Amount(NTD, in thousands)
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
balance sheet
Current assets
Non-current assets
Total assets
Current liabilities
Non-current liabilities
Total liabilities
Share capital
Capital surplus
Retained earnings
Other equity interest
Treasury shares
Total equity attributable to owners of parent
Non-controlling interests
Total equity
Book Value per share(NT$)
profit and loss
Operating revenue
Operating costs
Gross profit from operations
Operating expenses
Net other income (expenses)
Net operating income
Non-operating income and expenses
Profit before tax
Tax expense
Profit from continuing operations
Profit from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income
Comprehensive income
Basic earnings per share
 Auditor's report on latest financial statements: auditor's report:
 Investors may find more detailed information on the company by visiting the Market Observation Post System.。
 The information disclosed here concerning foreign enterprises consists of amounts provided in consolidated financial statements.