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General Stock Board Listed Company Profile

6294 Tekom
Company Profile
Chairman CEO Spokesperson Tel Address Date of Listing (Regular)
Qiu Shi Rong Qiu Shi Rong Ying Tu Huang 06-2258899 10F.-1, No.114, Chenggong Rd., North Dist., Tainan City 704, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Tainan City , Taiwan (R.O.C.) 2004/01/13
Industry Main Business
Cultural and Creative Industries Our development strategies nowadays are to increase the proportion of supplementary school business and the businesses concerned. We aim high to be the leading brand in Taiwan, combining state of the art technology with fine management. To achieve the goal, we will establish a number of branches around the island year by year. Breaking down geographical and temporal limitations through the digital learning platform that allows students to arrange a personal learning time and progress, get the best learning and nurturing thousands of high-quality civil service. With a view to becoming an all aspects supplementary school of OTC-traded stock, we also include businesses of selling teaching materials and reference books as well.
Market Information ( 2024/07/26 )
Shr. Vol. Highest Lowest Closed Change Transaction TurnOver(%) long
40.683 101.00  100.00  101.00  -0.50  99 .00 57 0
Trading method Fun
price or
on T day
Announcement of Irregularity
TPEx measures
With warrants Can be shorted or margined? Detail
Normal N N N N Y Today History
Financial Reports
Cash Flows Items
(NT$ thousand)
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Current assets
Non-current assets
Total assets
Current liabilities
Non-current liabilities
Total liabilities
Share capital
Capital surplus
Retained earnings
Other equity interest
Treasury shares
Total equity attributable to owners of parent
Non-controlling interests
Total equity
Book Value per share(NT$)
Comprehensive Income Operating revenue
Operating costs
Gross profit from operations
Operating expenses
Net other income (expenses)
Net operating income
Non-operating income and expenses
Profit before tax
Tax expense
Profit from continuing operations
Profit from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income
Comprehensive income
Basic earnings per share
 Auditor's report on latest financial statements: auditor's report:
 More detail:MOPS
 Foreign issuers’ information is disclosed in consolidated statements.