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 1.3.2. Investing in GISA Companies

 1. I like to invest in the stocks of GISA companies. Are there any restrictions and risks?

  • Restrictions: The investment of general investors in all GISA companies by subscribing their stocks through GISA is limited to NT$150,000 a year. There are no limits to the investment of angel investors, individuals with proof of financial capability or original shareholders of GISA companies.
  • Risks: General Investors are required to sign a risk disclosure statement before subscribing GISA stocks. The risk disclosure statement illustrates fully the risks of investing in a GISA stock. Investors should beware that GISA companies are not public companies. When a dispute arises between an investor and a GISA company in connection with violation of law, breach of contract or stock subscription, the investor needs to seek legal recourses on his/her own.

 2. What should I do if I like to subscribe or trade GISA stocks?

Investors can only purchase shares of a GISA company through “GISA capital raising system”, and because GISA company is not a public company, its stocks cannot be publicly traded according to law. Thus the GISA capital raising system does not offer trading function. Investors can inquire ongoing capital raising information of GISA companies by logging into the “GISA capital raising system” through IE using a citizen digital certificate, Industry and Commerce Certificate (ICC), XCA IC Card or Financial Certificate. With regard to stock subscription and payment methods, please see “Stock Purchase and Payment Policies” on GISA site. If you have problem logging into the GISA capital raising system, please visit “FAQ section of GISA site”, or call 02-2366-6100 9:00 AM - 5:00PM, Monday through Friday.

Note: The English translation is for reference only. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.